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Dynamo - Hälsa / Health


SVE: På den här delen av Dynamo plattformen finns material för ungdomsorganisationer och individer angående hälsa och sund livsstil. I NordUng har vi genomfört två aktiviteter på detta område och materialet nedan är resultat från dessa. Den ena handlade om att bli mentalt och fysiskt den bästa versionen av sig själv, och den andra handlade om sexualhälsa.  


ENG: On this part of the Dynamo platform, there are materials for youth organisations and individuals regarding health and a healthy lifestyle. In NordYouth, we have carried out two activities in this area and the material below is the result of these. One was about becoming mentally and physically the best version of yourself, and the other was about sexual health.

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Personlig Utveckling /
Personal Development

Bästa Versionen av Dig Själv /  The Best Version of Yourself

Detta är en film som summerar vad deltagarna lärt sig på aktiviteten "Bästa Versionen av Dig Själv": definiera mental och fysisk hälsa, analysera känslor, sätta mål, arbeta med metoder som främjar välmående och att stöda vänner mot att bli den bästa versionen av sig själv.

This is a film that summarises what the participants learned at the activity "The Best Version of Yourself": to define mental and physical health, to analyse feelings, set goals, work with methods for wellbeing and support friends towards becoming the the best version of themselves.

Du & Jag / You & I

I den här filmen berättar ungdomar på ett NordYouth-evenemang vad de har lärt sig om personliga relationer, samt relaterade ämnen som känslor, kommunikation och journalföring av dina känslor.

In this film young people at a NordYouth event tell what they have learned about personal relations, as well as related topics like feelings, communication and journaling of your feelings.

Sexuell Hälsa i Kulturell Kontext
Sexual Health in Cultural Context

Sexess was a Nordic - Eastern European project about sexual health, held in 2020 - 2021.  It contained a preparation meeting, a seminar and local activities.

The objectives of Sexess were that youth workers:

1. map obstacles hindering young people from having a healthy view on sex and sexuality,

2. exchange good praxis and develop tools for how to support young people towards better sexual


3. prepare and carry out local sexual health information & discussion workshops for young people in the partner countries,

4. design and coordinate a social media campaign to promote sexual health and gender equality, and

5. evaluate the outcomes.

On this page we have gathered material from the project, which can be used if you want to run a local workshop in your organisation, or improve your skills of helping youth caring for their sexual health.

Informative video

Here is a video where sexual terapeut Suss Åman describes how to talk to young people about sexual health.
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Gender Unicorn

By the Gender Unicorn session material youth workers can support young people to reflect on their gender and sexual orientation.


Sex ALWAYS require consent. Here is some material we used for addressing consent; a video that explains consent by comparing sex with drinking tea, and a drawing that can be used as discussion base when discussing "when is it too late to say no".
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Sex and porn quiz

A smooth way to open up the discussion about sex can be to start with a quiz, and here is one we have made for you.


We studied a lot of material to prepare for holding the seminar and local activities. Also our participants shared their sources and presentations. 
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Nordisk Ungdomsorganisation / Nordic Youth Organisation

+372 5082754

Stusnäsvägen 102 c, 25870 Dragsfjärd, Finland

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